935 research outputs found

    Cob Property Analysis

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    The goal of this project was to research the material properties of the green building material COB in order to better understand how to apply COB in real world applications. The research portion included soil analysis, compression, modulus of rupture and elasticity tests, hydrometer analysis, and atterberg limits tests. Additionally, through a partnership with the professionals of the COB Research Institute team and another COB-centric senior design group, this team was able to produce the first full-scale wall tests for COB. Four 7-foot walls were constructed and in-plane lateral cyclic loading was applied to create the effects of a COB structure under lateral loading. The results of the full-scale tests are in the process of being incorporated in the entry for COB into the California Residential Code, with a recommendation given for the reinforcing design that performed the best, through allowable load and deflection calculations. Finally, the team used a sample footprint for a simple house to develop structural house components for a COB structure that could benefit COB application in the real world. The simulated application of COB is helping the COB Research Institute formulate their submittal and ultimately provide a jumping off point for further research of this nature. The ultimate goal was to spread awareness of sustainable building practices and make them more accessible to the general public

    Cosmological Constant and Local Gravity

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    We discuss the linearization of Einstein equations in the presence of a cosmological constant, by expanding the solution for the metric around a flat Minkowski space-time. We demonstrate that one can find consistent solutions to the linearized set of equations for the metric perturbations, in the Lorentz gauge, which are not spherically symmetric, but they rather exhibit a cylindrical symmetry. We find that the components of the gravitational field satisfying the appropriate Poisson equations have the property of ensuring that a scalar potential can be constructed, in which both contributions, from ordinary matter and Λ>0\Lambda > 0, are attractive. In addition, there is a novel tensor potential, induced by the pressure density, in which the effect of the cosmological constant is repulsive. We also linearize the Schwarzschild-de Sitter exact solution of Einstein's equations (due to a generalization of Birkhoff's theorem) in the domain between the two horizons. We manage to transform it first to a gauge in which the 3-space metric is conformally flat and, then, make an additional coordinate transformation leading to the Lorentz gauge conditions. We compare our non-spherically symmetric solution with the linearized Schwarzschild-de Sitter metric, when the latter is transformed to the Lorentz gauge, and we find agreement. The resulting metric, however, does not acquire a proper Newtonian form in terms of the unique scalar potential that solves the corresponding Poisson equation. Nevertheless, our solution is stable, in the sense that the physical energy density is positive.Comment: 7 pages revtex, no figures; discussion on light bending added, no effect on conclusions, version to appear in Physical Review D

    Genetic aspects of nutrient loss in feces and its relationship to egg production in chickens

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    An exploratory study of heritable differences in chemical components of chicken excreta is presented. Major emphasis was placed on the estimation of heritability and of phenotypic and genetic correlations for wet and dry feces production per day, for percentages of fecal protein, fecal metabolizable energy, and the ratio of phosphorus excreted to phosphorus intake. Traits measured on feces were considered as indicator traits for possible use in a selection program. In addition, estimations of population parameters for the economically important traits--feed consumption, body weight, age to sexual maturity, rate of egg production, and egg mass output--were obtained. The correlation between the indicator traits and the economic traits were then measured to determine the potential value of the former in predicting the genetic gain from selection for efficiency of egg production;The experimental population consisted of 741 pedigreed Single Comb White Leghorns representing four different lines in two experimental years;The results show evidence for the existence of heritable variance for the fecal traits. Also, evidence for the existence of a genetic residual component for dry feces was obtained. The inclusion of dry feces as an indicator trait into a selection index, that includes also body weight and egg mass, may be of practical use in a breeding program for the genetic improvement of feed efficiency for egg production

    Goal Alignment: Construct Development and Measurement of a Moderator of Commitment

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    Previous research has provided evidence that commitment to one target can have implications for outcomes of relevance to another. In this research, I propose a construct, goal alignment, to help explain these crossover effects. I also develop a scale to assess goal alignment, the target-free Goal Alignment Measure (GAM), and investigate its moderating effects as they pertain to organizational and occupational commitment. Two studies were conducted in this research, an experimental vignette design with a student population and a survey study with full-time employees. Results provide support for the psychometric quality of the GAM but mixed support for goal alignment as a moderator. However, goal alignment is found to act as a unique predictor of occupational commitment, organizational commitment, and some outcomes. Implications for research, organizations, and occupational groups are discussed

    Estudio de tratamientos en semilla de Teocintle anual de Nicaragua (Zea nicaraguensis Iltis y Benz) recolectada en diferentes momentos, comportamiento radicular en dos sustratos en etapa de crecimiento

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    El teocintle anual de Nicaragua (Zea nicaragüensis Iltis & Benz), es una especie silvestre endémica de Nicaragua, y pariente muy cercano del maíz, sus semillas presentan un alto porcentaje de latencia, por lo que los estudios fuera de su hábitat natural son escasos. Tomando en consideración esta limitante, en el área experimental del Programa Recursos Genéticos Nicaragüenses (REGEN) se estableció un estudio en laboratorio y canteros para identificar tratamientos que inhibieran en un mayor porcentaje la latencia de la semilla. El experimento se agrupó en dos fases: Fase I (ensayo de germinación), Fase II ensayo de la evaluación de los sustratos para medir el crecimiento del (sistema radicular). El diseño empleado para ambas fases fue un Diseño Completo al Azar (DCA) en un arreglo bifactorial con cuatro repeticiones. En la Fase I se evaluaron fechas de recolección de semillas (1991, 1992, 2005 y 2006), y tratamientos para inhibir latencia (ácido giberélico, un testigo, agua oxigenada al 20% y agua oxigenada al 50%. En la Fase II, se evaluó el período de recolección de semillas (1991-1992 y 2005-2006) y sustratos (50% arena + 50% tierra y 100% lombrihumus) sobre variables de crecimiento y del (sistema radicular). Se realizó un análisis de varianza (ANDEVA) y separación de medias por Duncan (a=0.05). El ANDEVA determinó efecto significativo en los factores evaluados e interacción para los dos ensayos. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron que en la Fase I el tratamiento agua oxigenada al 50% presentó un mayor número de semillas germinadas, y se encontró que las semillas de teocintle con un mayor período de envejecimiento mostraron los más altos valores de germinación. De igual manera, los pesos secos provenientes de los tallos de plantas jóvenes, así como las raíces de las mismas, presentaron los mayores valores promedios en peso

    Multivariable control for a three-phase rectifier based on deadbeat algorithm

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    This paper presents a deadbeat control technique applied in a voltage source rectifier to regulate both the dc voltage (active power) and reactive power injected to the grid. As the deadbeat control is based on the system model, it leads to a faster response, without overshoot and no need to tune the controller parameters. Hence, it is used to fully control the voltage source rectifier, achieving a fast dynamic response for both the dc voltage and the power factor at the point of connection. However, there are some issues related to the high amount of power required to reach the references –especially in the dc voltage¬ in a few control steps. The proposed technique also protects the equipment by limiting the maximum power drained to/from the source. The mathematical development is made as a function of the converter power in order to limit it, but at the same time tracking the references with high dynamics, characteristic typical of deadbeat control

    Comportamiento Innovador de la Estación de servicio Inés Galeano en el Municipio de Sébaco, Departamento de Matagalpa, periodo del año 2016

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    La presente investigación tiene como objetivo, analizar el comportamiento innovador de la empresa: Estación de servicio Inés Galeano en la ciudad de Sébaco en el departamento de Matagalpa, en el periodo del año 2016. Esta investigación se realizó con el propósito de identificar si la empresa ha realizado Innovaciones y si estas se realizaron de forma proactiva o reactiva. La importancia de conocer y analizar las principales innovaciones implementadas por la Estación de servicio Inés Galeano radica en que permite a la empresa conocer cuáles son sus aciertos y flaquezas en términos de innovación lo cual es cada vez más importante, ya que en un mercado cada vez más competitivo y globalizado una empresa que no innova de manera acertada tiende a desaparecer. La estación de servicios Inés Galeano es una empresa con un comportamiento Innovador mixto dirigida a un sector amplio del mercado, las innovaciones aplicadas permiten a la empresa la preferencia y la fidelidad de sus clientes aunque la empresa debe prestar atención a la percepción de sus clientes ya que al realizar acciones de forma innovadora estas deben estar acordes a la demanda del mercado. Las principales innovaciones de la estación de servicios Inés Galeano son innovación en las mejoras de la calidad del producto, la innovación en la calidad de la atención al cliente, mejoras constantes en la infraestructura y algunas técnicas de merchandising así como la diversificación en nuevos servicios. Por otra parte la Estación de servicios Inés Galeano realiza las innovaciones de manera rápida lo cual es de gran importancia porque le permite ser pionera en el mercad